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  Ciencias y Artes Patagonia
promoting national and international cooperation amongst the sciences and arts for the cultural and socio-economic benefit of Patagonia, and the care of its natural and historic heritage

Developed in Patagonia during the last 15 years

"Investigating Magnetism (and Circle Packing) "

Science and Art of Magnetic Coin Tricks 4th Edition 2013
Celebrating 20 years of Real Magnetic Coins in Education.

Sponsored by:
Brunel University, the Institute of Physics and The Royal Institution, UK.

- now with 84 pages and 44 activites, nearly all completely original,
- all clearly illustrated.
"an extraordinary display of magnetic effects ... has all the characteristics needed to interest the public"
- Professor Sir Arnold Wolfendale,
      14th Astronomer Royal

absolutely free, to download for home or school use.
This extended and updated 4th Edition , describes with the help of diagrams the amazing things that can be done with a handful of real magnetic coins of the UK - 20 of 1p, 6 of 5p , 5 of 2p and 1 of 10p and one, or two, ceramic block magnets, of similar propertes to the Magic Penny magnets designed by the Magic Penny Trust.

Download Free PDF:
Investigating Magnetism 4th EDITION
(English Internet) Copyright Magic Penny Trust 2013

Investigando el Magnetismo 4th EDITION
(Spanish Internet) Copyright Magic Penny Trust 2013

"Brunel Arch" - a non-magnetic coin, here a real UK 2 pound coin featuring a portrait of the engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, is held in place by magnetic coins standing vertically on two Magic Penny magnets.
- this is a variation of "Marble Arch " described in the 4th edition and "Lincoln Arch" of the 3rd edition.

Real UK coins balanced on the edge of a real UK 20 pound note. The reverse of the note features a portrait of Michael Faraday and an engraving based on his work at The Royal Institution in London.
María Victoria Canullo
Robin Willson eds.
© 1998-2013

Auspiciado por Magic Penny Trust.